Before the Corps is by Marines, for current and future Marines, their friends and families. We love what we do and who we do it with, but the Marine Corps isn't for everyone. We are here to help you see if the Corps is right for you.
Our website provides the most accurate and current information for those considering joining the Marine Corps, poolees preparing to ship to Recruit Training, Entry Level Schools Marines, and their friends and family members. We aim to give you all the information you need to not only be successful, but to positively excel in your first term in the Marines, should you choose to join our ranks.
You'll find other websites that offer information about the Marine Corps, but none as detailed or accurate as we are. With insider knowledge and a mix of recently separated and active duty moderators, we constantly update our site to bring you the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Existing resources are decent, but we felt the need to do better. If you were car shopping, you wouldn't ask the dealer to give you the straight facts on a potential purchase, so it is comparatively tough to trust everything recruiters may tell you. Continuing with the car analogy, if you're thinking of buying a brand new car, hearing from someone who bought the same model 10 years ago may be great, but past experience doesn't always indicate future performance. Veterans have the best insight, but much of their information is equally dated in regards to the future of the Marine Corps. We aim to be your version of "Consumer Reports," telling you everything you need to know to make an informed decision that will have profound effects on your life and future.

Hi, our names are Andrew and Tobi, and we developed Before the Corps in 2020 to create a resource for folks looking to learn about what joining the Marine Corps can and will look like. After more than 20 years of combined military service, we recognized how little we knew about the military when we joined. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were raging, and we felt the call to action, like many Americans before us. There were fewer online resources then, so we knew little going in, and our friends and family knew even less.
Over the first few years of our time in the Marines, we learned from our peers and seniors. We thought we knew a lot and made career decisions based on the information available to us at the time. It ended up working out well for us, as we were both lucky to get the MOS's and experiences we wanted, while many of our peers did not. Although we would like to pretend this was due to us being smart, it was more luck than anything.
Over the course of our careers, we worked in recruiting, recruit training, and fleet units, scoring a few deployments between the pair of us. When we worked with recruiters and Drill Instructors, we began to see a common trend - prospective Marines, poolees, recruits, and even young Marines had no idea what the Marine Corps looked like on the inside and where their journeys might take them. For most people outside the organization (or new to it), the only knowledge they have comes from dated Youtube videos, parent or retiree managed accounts, and recruiters.
There is nothing worse than seeing poolees, recruits, or young Marines who are unhappy with their decisions to join. It is equally sad to meet adults who say they wished they had joined, but were too afraid to do it when they had the chance. As a Marine, it is fun to meet members of our sister services who wish they were ones of us, but we don't wish their misfortune on you. Serving in the military, and particularly the Marines, can be a tremendously rewarding and formative life experience. Armed with the right information, prospective Marines and their families can make a truly educated decision on how, why, and which ways to join (or not join) the Marine Corps. That's what we want to bring you here at Before the Corps.

This Website is divided into multiple sections:
We provide a free background into the mission, history, values, and purpose of the Marine Corps. Before the Corps also provides the most comprehensive MOS and Career library available anywhere. Browse the library to learn about any occupational specialty and its career path for free.
Our Enlisted and Officer informational guides give you a thorough rundown of the training, career paths, experiences, and responsibilities of Marines. Coupled with our MOS Guide, you have the opportunity to learn more here about the potential paths in the Marine Corps than anywhere else, completely free.
For friends and family, we offer resources, FAQs, and articles discussing a wide range of topics at no cost to help you understand the choices your loved ones are making related to military service.
Our subscriber content includes insider information on how to prepare, what to expect, and how to excel at entry level schools, plus coaching calls designed to help Marines get ahead early in their careers. Like any job, promotions frequently go to the most capable. Investing in our programs is a sure-fire way to get promoted faster, meaning more money in your pockets and better quality of life. Subscribers have direct access to moderators who will usually answer questions within 24 hours.
For parents and family, we offer the same detailed information regarding Entry Level Schools, such as Boot Camp and OCS, allowing you to know what your loved ones are experiencing every day while they are unreachable at entry level training. We also provide care packages tailored to their Marine Corps training. We respond to questions from our Parent subscribers within 24 hours.