No matter which you choose, you'll be a Marine seven days a week for the rest of your life.
Do you want to wear the uniform every day or put it on in the event of emergency?
Read on to learn more about the difference between active duty and reserves, and which contract is right for you.

Through OCS, TBS, and MOS School, there is no difference between the two - all Marine Officers receive the necessary training to lead Marines in combat. The differences in careers occur after MOS school.
Active Duty
Marines will check into their Fleet Unit after MOS School to begin leading platoons and staff sections. Planning exercises, writing LOI's, setting policy, dealing with troop discipline, etc will all be regular occurrences to the Active Duty Marine. They will work for the Marine Corps full-time.
After MOS School, they check into a reserve unit, then resume civilian life. They find a place to live, a job, etc. These Marines lead normal lives as students or working professionals - teachers, firefighters, bankers, engineers, etc. Even when they aren't drilling, they will be planning exercises and training for drill weekends and annual training blocks. It's a large commitment.
Reservists will typically "drill" with their reserve unit one weekend a month and a two week block once a year. During drill, Marines perform annual training and other tasks to maintain their technical proficiency in their MOS. The two week block is meant to test and train the unit to keep skills and readiness levels high. Officers are responsible for planning and leading these events.
In the event of war, disaster, or other emergency, Reserve forces may be activated for longer periods of time.
The decision to be Active or Reserve should not be taken lightly. By speaking with your recruiter, your family, and by weighing your near and long term goals, you can make the best decision for your situation.

Doing Marine things every single day
Guaranteed job for length of initial contract, and perpetuity after Career Designation
GI Bill eligibility 36 months after any scholarship paid back
Can transition into reserves without a problem
Spend your days with other Marines
More opportunities to train and refine skills
30 days of leave per year plus holidays
Free comprehensive healthcare for you and dependents
Pension after 20 years
Develop the most MOS proficiency
Have more MOS and school opportunities
Doing Marine things every single day
Constantly handling troop discipline and insignificant staff issues
Very little say in your duty stations
Move to a new duty station every few years
Multiple school sessions throughout your career
Pulled out of MOS for B-billets like recruiting or Recruit Depots
Go through same entry level training as Active Duty
Can choose your reserve unit
Can choose to fill short term Active Duty billets (3-12 months) on your own terms
Be a Marine but live a more "normal" life
Can apply to become active duty
Drill Pay covers cost of healthcare for you and your family
Job security (civilian jobs legally cannot fire you if activated)
After 20 "sat" years you have a pension
Only paid for days you're "drilling"
No leave or holidays unless activated for operations/Active Duty
Harder to go active duty from reserves
Harder to get the active duty time required to become GI Bill Eligible
Can't collect pension until you are 65
Not full-time employed after you complete entry level training
Less opportunity for MOS or PME training
Will plan reserve affairs outside your Drill Weekends and days