
MOS Facts
MOS Type:
Primary MOS
Pvt - Sgt
MOS School:
Camp Pendleton, CA or Camp Lejeune, NC
Combat Arms?
Bottom Line, Up Front:
Although every Marine is a rifleman, these master weapons systems, small unit tactics, and close combat skills in order to locate, close with, and destroy the enemy in patrols, offense, and defense.

MOS Description and Mission
The 0311 Rifleman is the eminent enlisted MOS in the Marine Corps. As an organization centered around the infantry, this MOS is the main effort, which other MOS's exist to support. Rifleman compose the rifle platoons which locate, close with and destroy the enemy through fire and close combat.
The Riflemen employs the M16M4/A4 Service Rifle, the M203 Grenade Launcher and the M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR). Riflemen are the primary scouts, assault, and close combat forces available to the MAGTF. They are the foundation of the Marine Infantry Organization, and as such are the nucleus of the fire team in the rifle squad, the scout team in the LAR Squad, and Scout Snipers in the infantry battalion. Noncommissioned Officers are assigned as Fire Team Leaders, Scout Team Leaders, and Rifle Squad Leaders.