Marine Corps Communications Electronics School
Twentynine Palms, CA
Marine Corps Communication Electronics School (MCCES) is the Marine Corps’ training ground for the majority of the communications and air/ground electronic maintenance Military Occupational Specialties (MOS). Since this school covers a huge amount of entry-level MOS’s across four occupational fields (0600, 2800, 5900, and 7200) and has multiple schools within its command, we will only highlight the companies, their courses, and MOS’s served.
MCCES’s mission is to train Marines in ground electronics maintenance, tactical communications, and air control/anti-air warfare operations and maintenance in order to ensure that Marine commanders at all levels have the ability to exercise command and control across the full range of military operations.
MCCES is broken into three smaller schools, referred to as companies – ACTS (Air Control Training Squadron), Communication Training Battalion, and MARDET Monterey.
ACTS consists of CEMS (Company A) and AIRS (Company C).
Company A is known as CEMS (Communication Electronics Maintenance School). Its mission is to provide entry-level, skill progression, and skill enhancement training in the operation and employment of Marine Air Command and Control System (MACCS) and maintenance of ground communication-electronics equipment. It trains Marines in the 2800 occupational field.
CEMS consists of the Radio Maintenance Training Section (RMTS) which teaches Ground Radio Repair Course, Digital Wideband Repair Course, Tactical Remote Sensor System Maintenance Course, the Electronic Fundamentals Training Section (EMFTS) which teaches Basic and Advanced Electronics Courses, and Miniature/Microminiature/Automated Test Equipment Repair Course, and Terminal Equipment Training Section which teaches Telephone Systems / Personal Computer Repair Course, Technical Controller Course, Electronics Maintenance Technicians Course, and Electronics Maintenance Supervisors Course.
AIRS refers to all the schools in Company C and is the nickname for Air Schools. This consists of ASTS, ADTS, LAAD, RDRMTS, and TDSTS. It trains Marines in the 5900 and 7200 MOS occupational fields.
Air Support Training Section (ASTS) focuses on net/radio operator training and information flow requirements throughout the Marine Air Command and Control System (MACCS) related to offensive air support and assault support operations by performing as operators for information flow and controllers of fixed and rotary wing aircraft. The mission is to provide Direct Air Support Center (DASC) Marines to the fleet.
Air Defense Training Section (ADTS) focuses on Anti-Air Warfare operations as well as fundamental Tactical Air Operations Center (TAOC) operations.
Low Altitude Air Defense Training (LAAD) Section focuses the on the employment of the Stinger Missile.
Tactical Data Systems Training Section (TDSTS) is built of three main MOS producing courses; Aviation Communications Systems Technician Course, Tactical Data Systems Administrators Course, and Air Defense Systems Technician Course.
The second major school at MCCES is Tactical Communications Training School (TSTS), or Company B.
TCTS stands for Tactical Communications Training School. Its mission is to train communications systems operators. TCTS trains Marines in the 06xx MOS field such as 0621 Field Radio Operators, 0651 Cyber Network Operators, etc. There are three sections within TCTS – 1) Data Training Platoon (DTP), which trains Marines to install, operate, maintain, and secure cyber network systems including computer hardware and software. 2) Switching Training Section (STS) The section provides instruction on installation, operation, and maintenance on command and control switching systems that provide classified and unclassified voice communication. 3) Transmission Training Platoon (TTP) To provide instruction for the installation and operation of various tactical FMF radio equipment.
The last component of MCCES is the MARDET at Monterey which teaches foreign language at the Defense Language Institute and other schools for later in careers.